Saturday, January 28, 2012


The newest Milchman!  Her name is Dang Qiu Yan- soon to be Adyson Mae Milchman (Ady Mae).  Her birthday is August 20, 2010.  She currently resides in the Luohe Social Welfare Institute in the Henan Province of China.  Our adoption paperwork was sent off to the immigration office and to China just yesterday by our adoption agency.  She is officially ours!  We now wait for permission to go to China and bring her home, most likely by June (never sure of the timing of things though).  It is all very exciting!  We are hoping to receive updated photos soon as these were taken when she was only 10 months old.  We think she is so cute!  We received her referral through the Waiting Child Program which is a program designed for adoption of children with special needs.  Ady Mae contracted Bacterial Meningitis as a newborn, but has fully recovered and is doing wonderfully according to all reports.  We are very lucky and cannot wait to bring her home.  And thanks to everyone that has helped us in our journey thus far.


  1. Congratulations! I am looking forward to following your Journey to bring Adyson home.

  2. Congratulations!!! Ady Mae is totally adorable!!

  3. happy for you. What a sweetie pie!

  4. I found your blog on a yahoo group, congratulations on your cutie!
    We adopted our son in March 2010 from Luohe LOCC. We didn't get to visit but got some great pics and heard some wonderful things about the LOCC. Our blog is and here is a blog that raises funds for Luohe and other Henan orphanages,
    Again, congratulations!!

    1. Thanks for the note. Your children are adorable. I don't think our daughter is in LOCC, but I have inquired to see if she can be moved there for the next few months. We will see!

  5. Hi! My name is Stacy. A friend of mine found your blog and sent the link to me. We are adopting a little girl from the same orphanage and our anticipated travel date is June too! Please check out our blog at . Congrats to you! She is precious!

    1. Your daughter is beautiful! We will have to keep in touch. It would be nice to know someone else who is traveling at the same time!

  6. Found your blog and just wanted to say she is beautiful!!!.. We are about to start a special needs adoption from China as well.

  7. Thanks and best of luck to you!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
