Friday, March 9, 2012


Busy day... Mia had a doctor's appointment over lunch.  The pediatrician wanted to insure that her burn was not infected- which it wasn't- thankfully.  Burn cream and Mederma should hopefully clear it up and minimize scarring.  And a McDonald's Happy Meal took care of my little girl!

Then it was mommy's turn.  I have a sinus and ear infection of sorts.  Got some antibiotics and doc says he will put me on steroids next week if I am not all cleared up.  I told him of my very soon to happen trip to China so we both want it all gone before I fly half way around the world!

In addition to two doctor visits, I worked, had a meeting, baked cookie pops, went to the grocery store and cooked dinner.  I swear there were two of me today.  I am off to cuddle in bed and watch a movie with my children.  Night night.

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